About Stratos

We are a business-based consultancy

Stratos is a consultancy that lifts business results with behavioral insights and ideas that inspire people to action. We use data, strategic thinking and creativity to solve the toughest business challenges.

Rather than working to fit our team to meet your needs, we take a very different approach and begin with your challenge and then assemble the team that best addresses your requirements.

We come from a long history of creating iconic brands, memorable campaigns and increased sales for a variety of industries, including hospitals and healthcare, restaurants, CPG, financial services, nonprofit and B2B.

We are a collective of businesspeople who know and respect the discipline of behavioral science.

Knowing why people behave the way they do (or don’t) is key to changing behavior. We focus on behavioral science because we want to know what makes people tick: why they do or don’t do something, even something they know they should do. Sometimes we grab our clipboards and ask people questions in the waiting room of their local hospital (true story) and sometimes we pour over binders of existing research. We’re not picky about how we get the insights. We just focus on getting them.

Because we operate as a consultancy, we can complement existing agency partnerships as a strategic partner.